Science Midwifery <p align="justify"><strong>The Science Midwifery</strong> is a peer-reviewed open access <strong>bi-monthly</strong> Intitute of Computer Science (IOCS). This journal is <strong>published bi-monthly (August, October, December, February, April, June)</strong> since August 2022. This professional journal provides a venue for the publication of research relevant to midwifery and reproductive health practice by specialists and researchers in various disciplines including midwifery, reproductive health, maternal and child health, obstetrics and gynecology, sexual health promotion, women's health and nursing. It publishes quantitative and qualitative original articles, review articles, short communications, case reports and letters to the editor in a broad range of clinical and interdisciplinary topics. <em>(<a href="">Look at the scope</a>)</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Institute of Computer Science (IOCS) en-US Science Midwifery 2086-7689 Cross sectional association of nutrition intake and caracteristic with nutritional status of HIV patients <p>Nutritional status is associatesd with both quality of life and mortality risk in individuals with HIV. Adequate nutrition intake enhance resilience againts opportunistic infections in HIV patients. The aim of this study is determine factors associated with nutritional status. This study was using cross sectional design that involved 99 participants that were determined by consecutive sampling. The participants were HIV patients who were outpatient at Kanca Sehati Polyclinic, Dr Hi Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Lampung on Juli – August 2024. The dependent variable is nutritional status and the independent variables are the characteristics and nutrition intake of HIV patient. Nutritional status is determined by calculating Body Mass Index (BMI), characteristic data were colected from medical records and interviews, nutrition intake form SQ FFQ (Semi Quantitative Food Frequency). Data were analyzed by chi square. The results of this study show that the common range of age is 21 – 40 years old (78.78%), the common education level is secondary education (62%), the majority of participants' occupation was self-employment (29%). Participants received ART treatment &lt;1 year are 50%, and 12% of participants have gastrointestinal disorders. Participants with underweight are 27% and overweight are 13%. Participants who have energy intake deficit are 37%, protein intake category are 54%. The&nbsp; statistical tests show that nutritional status are related to type of work (0.003) and medication consumed (p=0.015), nutritional status is not associated with gender, age, education, employment, duration of taking medication, energy intake or protein intake.</p> Endang Sri Wahyuni Yulia Novika J Sutrio Sutrio Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 12 6 1817 1826 10.35335/midwifery.v12i5.1790 Literature review: Analysis of the implementation at the public health center management information system <p>This study is to evaluate and examine papers concerning the examination of the installation of the puskesmas management information system. The writing method used is a literature review with the type of Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which is carried out systematically and sourced from previous research. The databases used in the literature search were Google Scholar and Garuda Portal. There were 5 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were assessed using Duffy's Critical Appraisal Approach. Based on the 5 articles obtained, 5 articles discussed the implementation of the puskesmas management information system. 5 articles discuss SIMPUS's very important role in data processing, and overall the article (100%) states the result that SIMPUS plays a very important role in data processing, and 4 articles discuss the use of SIMPUS has been said to be effective in medical record services at puskesmas, and overall (100%) the article states the result that the use of SIMPUS has been said to be effective in medical record services at puskesmas. And overall (100%) the articles state the results that software, public facilities, human resources and officer behavior can hinder the implementation of the puskesmas management information system, which is supported by several journals that discuss the implementation of the PHC management system.</p> Nadya Farhanni Adi Nugroho Harapan Parlindungan Ringoringo Ermina Istiqomah Edi Hartoyo Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 12 6 1827 1833 10.35335/midwifery.v12i5.1797 Analysis of the utilization of posyandu for the elderly at the Ulin East Health Center in Banjarbaru City <p>It is important to take the use of elderly posyandu seriously since it is a component of a strategy to enhance the welfare of the elderly through preventative and promotional measures. Just 147 senior persons who utilize health services receive fewer visits from posyandu. This study aims to investigate the relationship between family support, health professional attitudes and knowledge, and accessibility to health services, and the usage of elderly posyandu at Puskesmas Landasan Ulin Timur, Banjarbaru City. A cross-sectional design was used for this investigation. The research subjects consisted of 174 senior adults. In data analysis, chi square and multiple logistic regression tests were employed. The results of the chi square analysis showed the p values for family support (p = 0.000), healthcare professionals' attitudes (p = 0.000), health resource accessibility (p = 0.001), and knowledge (p = 0.000). The knowledge variable and nurse performance had the strongest correlation (Exp(B)=4.456). At Puskesmas Landasan Ulin Timur Banjarbaru City, the use of senior posyandu is associated with family support, health staff attitudes, knowledge, and the availability of health services. Understanding is the most crucial element.</p> Tatang Tamtama Adi Nugroho Eko Suhartono Husaini Husaini Fauzie Rahman Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 12 6 1834 1840 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1796 Overview of family behavior and community stigma towards mental disorders in west Sumba Regency <p>Stigma and discrimination exacerbate the psychological conditions of individuals with mental illness, discouraging them from seeking professional help and complicating their recovery. This stigma can lead to severe consequences, including shackling and suicide. Families who understand the needs of people with mental illness play a crucial role in providing support and accelerating recovery. This qualitative research was conducted in the Puuweri and Weekerou Puskesmas work areas of West Sumba Regency in June 2024, involving 18 participants, including 10 families of individuals with mental illness and 8 community leaders, selected through purposive sampling. Data collection employed interviews, field notes, and sound recordings, following ethical protocols. The study identified significant challenges in mental health management in Sumba, including limited health facilities and medical personnel. External support from health centers, foundations, and traditional healers emerged as vital in assisting families and ensuring proper treatment. Despite reliance on traditional beliefs, these external resources act as crucial bridges for effective care. The findings of this study offer valuable insights for policy development to address mental health challenges in West Sumba, emphasizing the importance of collaborative efforts between families, healthcare providers, and community resources.</p> Petrus Belarminus Anderias T. Ora Maria M.P. Saghu Uly Agustine Shelfi Dwi Retnani Putri Santoso Desy Natalia Riti Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 12 6 1841 1847 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1801 The effect of isometric handgrip exercise on blood pressure reduction in hypertensive patients: A literature review <p>High blood pressure remains a significant non-communicable disease that continues to rise within society. Known as a silent disease, it can lead to complications with other conditions, causing various symptoms and discomfort for sufferers. While numerous pharmacological therapies have been implemented, they often fall short of effectively addressing this condition. Consequently, additional supportive therapies are required, such as Isometric Handgrip Exercise, which is an easy and cost-effective method that can be performed independently without special training. Articles were sourced from ScienceDirect, PubMed, and the Directory of Open Access Journals using advanced search terms like "isometric handgrip exercise, lowering blood pressure, hypertension." A review of five selected articles revealed a significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure among hypertension patients following routine Isometric Handgrip Exercise, with a significant p-value of &lt;0.05. In conclusion, Isometric Handgrip Exercise has been demonstrated to effectively lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure when performed consistently every morning over an extended period.</p> Alfi Nur Isnaeni Abi Muhlisin Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 12 6 1848 1853 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1816 The influence of perception on community behavior in managing household waste and toilet activities on the banks of the Martapura River, Banjar regency <p><em>Martapura River, as one of the main rivers in South Kalimantan Province, plays a vital role in the lives of the people in Banjar Regency. However, many residents still dispose of household waste directly into the river and use floating latrines for bathing, washing, and defecating (MCK), a practice that continues to this day. Misperceptions can trigger behaviors that do not support river preservation and increase pollution. This study aims to analyze the influence of perceptions on community behavior in waste management and MCK activities. The research employs a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design involving 100 respondents from communities along the Martapura River selected through purposive sampling. Data were statistically analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a 95% confidence level. Result showed that the community perceptions on waste management and MCK (bathing, washing and toilet)&nbsp; activities have a significant influence on their behavior (p-value &lt;0.001).</em></p> Muhammad Iqra Erida Wydiamala Didik Dwi Sanyoto Herawati Herawati Ermina Istiqomah Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 12 6 1854 1864 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1814 The effect of work environment, work stress, remuneration, work motivation on employee performance at Puskesmas X Padang City <p>The problems that are the focus of this study are the problems of work environment variables, work stress and remuneration.&nbsp; The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of work environment, work stress, remuneration, and work motivation on employee performance at Puskesmas X Padang City. This research method uses a quantitative approach, with a population of 96 employees of UPTD Puskesmas X Padang City. Sampling technique with a saturated sampling approach. The data analysis techniques used in this study were validity and reliability instrument tests, multiple linear regression tests, classical assumption tests and partial hypothesis tests tested with the t test while simultaneous hypotheses were tested with the F test.&nbsp; This can be seen from the significant value of t of 0.642 &gt; 0.05. Work stress has a partially significant effect on employee performance at UPTD Puskesmas X Padang City, this can be seen from the significant value t of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Remuneration did not have a significant partial effect on employee performance at UPTD Puskesmas X Padang City, this can be seen from a significant value of t of 0.928 &gt; 0.05, and work motivation did not have a significant effect on employee performance at Puskesmas X Padang City as seen from the t result of 0.878 &gt; 0.005. Simultaneously the work environment, work stress, remuneration and work motivation have a significant influence on employee performance at UPTD Puskesmas X Padang City, this can be seen from the significant value of F of 0.005 &lt; 0.05.</p> Lila Yanwar Nur Indrwati Lupoto Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 12 6 1865 1873 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1812 Quantitative analysis in early detection of drug abuser relapse: effectiveness of data-driven predictive models <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the description of early detection of relapse in drug abuse and to see the relationship between factors that significantly influence relapse in drug abuse. This study uses a quantitative design to describe the implementation of early detection of relapse prevention in drug abuse in Padang City and determine the determinants that are most related to the occurrence of relapse. The results of the statistical test showed that the variables of age, gender, education level, and marital status had a p &gt; value of 0.05, which means that there was no relationship between these variables and the incidence of relapse in drug abusers. However, the variable of employment status had a p &lt; value of 0.05, indicating a relationship between employment status and the incidence of relapse in drug abusers. Furthermore, the variables of age, education level, and employment status met the assumption test with the condition of p &lt; 0.25 at the next stage. The results of the statistical test showed that there was no relationship between the variables of age, gender, education level, and marital status with the incidence of relapse in drug abusers (p &gt; 0.05). However, there was a relationship between employment status and the incidence of relapse (p &lt; 0.05). In addition, the variables of age, education level, and employment status met the assumption test at the next stage (p &lt; 0.25).</p> Marryo Borry WD Rima Semiarty Hasbullah Tabranny Effa Yonnedi Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 12 6 1875 1883 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1811 Analyzing the relationship between dietary factors and anemia to improve preventive behavior in adolescent girls in Denpasar <p>Adolescents are at risk of developing anemia related to an unbalanced diet, habits of consuming low-iron foods, and substances that inhibit iron absorption, such as tea or coffee. Based on this, this study is aimed at finding out the relationship between diet and anemia status in adolescent girls. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 91 female students who were selected by the proportional random sample method. The research was conducted at SMAN 4 Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia. Hemoglobin level data was measured using a hemoglobinometer. Anemia is defined by a hemoglobin level of less than 12 g/dL. Diet and nutrient intake data were collected by questionnaire method using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The data were analyzed univariate and bivariate.&nbsp; The Mann-Whitney U test was carried out to determine factors related to anemia in adolescent girls. The results of the study found that the proportion of anemia in adolescent girls was 38.5%. Vitamin C intake was found to be related to anemia (p value &lt;0.05). Meanwhile, protein intake, iron, fiber, frequency of meals and menstrual blood loss score (KDM) were found not to be related to anemia status (p&gt;0.05). It can be concluded that a diet high in vitamin C is associated with anemia in adolescent girls. The results of this study contribute to the prevention of anemia through dietary improvements in adolescent girls, so it is recommended for adolescent girls to maintain a balanced diet to meet nutritional needs, including the need for iron.</p> Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Dwi Nanda Wibawa I Wayan Weta Luh Seri Ani Syuma Adhy Awan Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 12 6 1884 1890 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1799 The effects of acupressure and back massage on reducing mother’s pain during fisrt stage of labor at Pratama Hadijah Maternity Clinic <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of acupressure and back massage on reducing mother’s pain during first stage of labor at Pratama Hadijah Maternity Clinic 2024. It was a quantitative research using experimental research design with non-equivalent control group design. The samples were 40 mothers who experiencing first stage of labor. They were selected by using accidental sampling. The data were collected by using NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) observation sheet. The data were analyzed by using unvaried and bivariate data analysis with Wilcoxon Test. The findings showed the level of pain before applying acupressure therapy majority about 18 respondents (90%) experienced moderate pain and after applying acupressure therapy majority 13 respondents (65%) experienced mild pain. Whereas about 16 respondents (80%) experienced moderate pain before applying acupressure therapy and about 12 respondents (60%) experienced moderate pain after applying back massage. There is an influence of acupressure therapy (p=0,001) and back massage (p=0,000&lt;) on the reducing the level of mothers ‘pain during the first stage of labor. It is concluded that there is an influence of acupressure therapy and back massage on reducing mother’s pain during the first labor at Pratama Hadijah Maternity Clinic 2024. It is suggested to the clinic to apply acupressure therapy which is proven more effective and can be taught to pregnant woman,&nbsp; maternity, and family to reduce mothers ‘pain during first stage of labor.</p> Annisa Namirah Nasution Nopita Yanti Sitorus Desi Handayani Lubis Yaumil Fauziah Maimunah R Yulia Fatma Nasution Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 12 6 1891 1901 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1806 The effect of batik occupational therapy on reducing hallucination symptoms in schizophrenia patients <p>Hallucinations are the main symptom in patients with schizophrenia. Based on several studies found that most patients with schizophrenia experience hallucinations. One of the modality therapies to reduce hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia is occupational therapy. This study aims to determine the effect of batik occupational therapy on reducing signs of hallucination symptoms. This type of research is descriptive with a before after study approach. The sample of this study amounted to five patients with adult patient criteria, treated at least the fifth day, hearing voices and cooperative. The data analysis used is the paired t test. The results of the analysis showed that the average percentage of the five subjects after being given batik occupational therapy was a score of 3.6 (45%) from an average score of 4.4 (55%) to a score of 5 (100%), and there was a difference in auditory hallucinations between pretest and posttest scores in schizophrenia patients with a t of -3.930 and a P value of 0.002. The conclusion of this study is that batik occupational therapy can successfully reduce the symptoms of auditory hallucinations.</p> Faliza Aidul Akbar Arum Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 12 6 1902 1907 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1818 The effect of eye exercise on eye fatigue in information technology study program students at the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra <p>In the world of lectures, the use of computers is very popular among students, because computers help with assignments, search for information, communicate and others. However, if the use of computers is carried out for a long period of time, it will cause tension in the eye muscles, which can cause eye fatigue. Efforts to prevent eye fatigue are by doing eye exercise movements to improve the ability of the nerves and eye muscles. This study aims to analyze the difference in the mean value of eye fatigue between the treatment group and the control group towards reducing the level of eye fatigue in students of the Information Technology Study Program at the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra. This study is an experimental study using a randomized pre-posttest control group design. The study was conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra. A sample of 30 people was randomly selected to select research subjects. The research subjects numbered 15 people in the treatment group who were given eye gymnastics and 15 people in the control group without being given eye gymnastics. The level of eye fatigue was measured using an eye fatigue questionnaire consisting of 9 questions about symptoms of eye fatigue. Data analysis used a paired t-test. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the mean eye fatigue in the treatment group. The difference test of the pre-test and post-test scores of the two groups also showed that there was a significant difference in scores of 2.13 with a p value of 0.00 in the treatment group (p &lt;0.05), while the p value was 0.15 in the control group (p&gt;0.05). This proves that eye exercise has an effect on reducing the level of eye fatigue in students. It is concluded that eye exercise can reduce the level of eye fatigue in students.</p> Widyawati Widyawati Nurhaida Nurhaida Havija Sihotang Elvi Susanti Lubis Riny Apriani Puput Melati Hutauruk Syahfira Ananda Syahna Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 12 6 1908 1917 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1819 The impact of parental knowledge about selecting and caring for glasses on compliance with glasses use in children who use gadgets at Methodist Elementary School–9 Fields <p>The use of glasses in children requires supervision because children tend to be disobedient to use glasses routinely and even take off their glasses. This happens for various reasons, namely children feel uncomfortable, other friends' bad views of glasses users and are not confident in their appearance. The results of the study stated that parental knowledge was at the analysis level and was good, seen from more than 60 parents who gave good responses regarding the statement and the level of child compliance was at the level of trust seen from the answers to the results of the data analysis which stated that there was an impact of knowledge on compliance with glasses use.</p> Roy Candra Nainggolan Zulianti Zulianti Khairuna Irma Syahru Romadhon Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 12 6 1918 1921 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1820 The reporting of patient safety incidents by nurses in both outpatient and inpatient units of the hospital." at dr. M. Djamil Padang <p>This research aims to provide insights to the management of Dr. M. Djamil Padang General Hospital regarding the factors contributing to the decrease in incident reports, enabling the determination of follow-up steps, including policies aligned with the Analysis of Patient Safety Incident Reporting (PSIR) at Dr. M. Djamil Padang General Hospital in 2022. <em>Method:</em> This study employed a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods using a sequential explanatory design. The study population consisted of nursing staff in selected service units through proportionate random sampling, with five individuals participating in the qualitative research. <em>Results:</em> The implementation of the reporting system at Dr. M. Djamil Padang General Hospital was neither efficient nor optimal. Although health professionals submitted incident reports manually or directly through the application, the number of patient safety incident reports in 2022 showed a significant decrease, totaling 1,882 incidents compared with the previous year's 8,421 incidents. Barriers to incident reporting include motivation and fear, whereas knowledge regarding incident types and reporting is generally good. <em>Conclusion:</em> Quantitative research results indicate that respondents’ knowledge of patient safety incidents is relatively good, with over 50% answering questions related to patient safety incidents correctly. Qualitative research findings revealed obstacles contributing to the decline in patient safety incident reporting, including respondent motivation, workload, and fear.</p> Yahya Marpaung Hartati Hartati Fera Karnita Nesti Diana Amatul Dhea Ananda Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 6 1922 1932 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1821 An analysis of factors causing stunting in toddlers in the lahihuruk health center working area, west sumba regency <p>Stunting is a long-standing nutritional problem caused by low dietary intake over a long period due to inadequate feeding. Stunting can appear when a child is two years old or earlier. When a person grows up, stunting becomes one of the causes of their lack of productivity. It can also hinder economic growth increase poverty and widen inequality. Therefore, the nutritional intake of pregnant women, the lactation process, the adequacy of breast milk, complementary foods that contain enough nutrients, and how deworming is done for infants and toddlers should be reviewed from the beginning. These are thought to cause stunting. This study aims to determine the relationship between various factors that cause stunting in toddlers in the working area of the Lahihuruk Health Center, West Sumba Regency. This research was conducted in the Lahihuruk Community Health Center Working Area, West Sumba Regency, with a total sample of 60 stunting and healthy toddlers. The results showed that several factors cause stunting in toddlers, including maternal age, history of maternal illness during pregnancy, history of breastfeeding, complementary feeding, parenting history, environmental factors, and socioeconomic status. The results of chi-square analysis obtained a p-value of 0.000 where there is an association between these factors and the incidence of stunting in toddlers. It is hoped that health facilities can conduct home visits, provide additional food for stunted toddlers, and closely evaluate their development.</p> Grasiana Florida Boa Petrus Belarminus Maria Mencyana P. Saghu Ririn Widyastuti Verayanti A. Bata Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-01-25 2025-01-25 12 6 1933 1942 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1810 The influence of social media on adolescents' perceptions of HIV/AIDS <p>This study aims to analyze the dependent variable of perceptions about HIV/AIDS, influenced by the independent variables of age, gender, residence, education level, internet usage, social media usage, knowledge level, and stigma towards individuals in the community. The bivariate analysis showed that five variables significantly influenced social media usage, including place of residence with a p-value of 0.000*, education level with a p-value of 0.000*, internet use with a p-value of 0.000*, knowledge level with a p-value of 0.000*, and stigma with a p-value of 0.001*. The multivariate analysis revealed the variables influencing social media usage as follows: type of residence (Exp(B)=1.189; 95% CI=1.028-1.376; Sig=0.020*), education level (Exp(B)=4.304; 95% CI=3.819-4.852; Sig=0.000*), internet usage (Exp(B)=4.178; 95% CI=3.875-4.504; Sig=0.000*), knowledge level (Exp(B)=392.480; 95% CI=0.000-0; Sig=0.000*), and stigma (Exp(B)=0.023; 95% CI=0.894-0.978; Sig=0.000*). Adolescents in Indonesia are still vulnerable to misinformation and stigma from social media, influenced by various factors. However, the Chi-Square and logistic regression analyses showed that place of residence, education level, internet use, knowledge level, and stigma are the most significant factors. The hope is that researchers can further explore issues in adolescents' perceptions caused by social media use, beyond just misinformation and stigma. This aims to diversify the variables from the DHS data to reduce the risk of bias in comparison to previous research.</p> Edi Purwanto Chika Helen Lola Charolina Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 12 6 1943 1950 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1809 Overview of the level of work stress of nurses in the central surgical installation room of Jampangkulon Regional Hospital in 2024 <p>Job stress occurs when job demands exceed the capacity, resources, and abilities of nurses. Based on the results of previous interviews with several nurses at the Central Surgical Installation of Jampangkulon Hospital, they revealed that their biggest problems were the increasing number of patients, demands from other professions in one team that were so high on their performance, emergency situations also often required nurses to work quickly and accurately without making mistakes. These conditions are considered to be the cause of stress in nurses at the central surgical installation. This results in feelings of anxiety, fatigue, anger, frustration and internal conflict at the Central Surgical Installation of Jampangkulon Hospital. The researcher will use a quantitative descriptive research type with a Cross-sectional approach. The research sample was all nurses at the Central Surgical Installation of Jampangkulon Hospital, totaling 28 people. Data collection was carried out by filling out a questionnaire (NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire). The results of this study revealed that among nurses, job stress was evenly distributed 50% mild stress and 50% severe stress. Factors that influence stress include the dominance of male respondents 60.7%, married status 92.9%, and DIII education level 64.2%. In addition, 82.1% of nurses are involved in low activities outside of work, and 57.2% of nurses have high social support. Therefore, researchers recommend that hospitals evaluate nurses' job descriptions and conduct effective communication before working. Effective communication is carried out to convey the roles and responsibilities of nurses clearly and workers can convey obstacles felt while carrying out their duties as nurses.</p> Yoga Anggriawan Amir Hamzah Mustopa Saepul Alamsah Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 12 6 1951 1964 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1825 Development of high-protein and micro-mineral food products as an alternative snack for pregnant women in East Nusa Tenggara <p>The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the prevalence of CED in pregnant women globally is 35-37% which is significantly higher in the 3rd trimester compared to the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Efforts to develop food ingredients are very necessary. This research was conducted to prove the impact of providing high protein food made in the form of sokateri milk pie which was substituted for anchovy flour, peanuts, green beans and sorghum. This research used a completely randomized design, namely with 5 treatments with 1 standard treatment. Total Energy from the five milk pie treatments, namely P0 465.02%, P1 462.36%, P2 463.22%, P3 428.80%, P4 423.35%, and vitamin C levels in treatments P0 to P4 were not there is Vitamin C content in the product, the Fe content is 3.42%, and the calcium content is 126.91%, pie milk has met SNI 01-42701996 standards, for the best acceptability of milk pie in terms of color, taste, aroma and texture, namely with milk pie in the P2 treatment.</p> Meirina S Loaloka Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi Santa Luciana Da Costa Santi Lestaluhu Oktavia Soumokil Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 12 6 1965 1970 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1828 Analysis of the implementation of minimum service standards indicators radiology unit at RSUD X Padang <p>Radiology services are an important and integrated part of healthcare services in hospitals. A survey on the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for the radiology unit only evaluated 3 indicators, with problems found in the waiting time indicator that exceeded 3 hours. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the SPM indicator in the radiology unit at RSUD X Padang. The research method used is qualitative, with data collection through in-depth interviews, FGDs, document review, and observations of 14 informants. The variables studied include the SPM indicators. The research results show the availability of SPM policies, but the number of radiology staff is not yet in accordance with the regulations. The survey was well-organized, but routine socialization has not been carried out. The service is not yet effective because the radiology specialist doctors are only present twice a week. Efforts to achieve the SPM targets are constrained by the limited presence of radiology specialist doctors. It can be concluded that the implementation of the SPM indicators in the radiology unit is not yet optimal. The suggestions given are the commitment of radiology specialist doctors to be present according to the set schedule, as well as proposing an increase in radiology staff.</p> Tosi Rahmaddian Sevilla Ukhtil Huvaid Nova Arikhman Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-03 2025-02-03 12 6 1971 1978 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1830 Eradication of frambusia of Kedungjati Health Center in 2023 <p><em>Frambusia is a tropical disease that affects children. Frambusia diagnosis is based on clinical and serologic examination. The purpose of this service is to find out that there are no cases of frambusia in Kedungjati District. The method of service carried out was education, screening of all elementary school students, and RDT Frambusia examination. Before the screening, students were educated on the definition of frambusia, causes and risk factors, and how to prevent frambusia. Screening, body examination was conducted on all students present. Students were examined from head to toe, to look for scabs or frambusia lesions. If scabs or frambusia lesions are found, a Frambusia Rapid Diagnostic Test will be conducted. If a positive case is found, treatment will be given at the health center. The conclusion of this activity is that no frambusia cases were found in Kedungjati Sub-district. Advice to the community is to know the factors that play a role in maintaining zero cases of frambusi. Background: Frambusia is a tropical disease that primarily affects children in developing countries. It is characterized by skin lesions and can lead to disfigurement if left untreated. Early detection and treatment are crucial for preventing the spread of frambusia and maintaining public health in endemic areas. Methods:The method involved three main components: education, screening, and diagnostic testing. Students were first educated about frambusia, including its definition, causes, risk factors, and prevention. This was followed by a comprehensive physical examination of all present elementary school students, checking for frambusia lesions or scabs. If suspicious lesions were found, a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) for frambusia was conducted, with positive cases to be treated at the local health center. Results: The result of this service activity was that no cases of frambusia were found in Kedungjati District. The screening and examination of all present elementary school students did not reveal any frambusia lesions or positive Rapid Diagnostic Test results. Conclusion: No frambusia cases were found in Kedungjati Sub-district. It is recommended that the community be informed about the factors that contribute to maintaining zero cases of frambusia in the area.</em></p> Pratiwi Hesti Harmoni Hidayatul Musabaqoh Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-08 2025-02-08 12 6 1979 1985 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1833 Challenges and opportunities in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use among women globally: A systematic review <p>Prevalence of HIV/AIDS remains high worldwide. Pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP is the use of an antiretroviral medication by HIV-negative people to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition. Ths systematic review aimed to analyse chalenge of hiv pre-exposure prophylactic use in low risk population. We conducted a search from the Scopus, Google Scholar, Science Directory and PubMed data bases. A total of 200 articles met the specified keywords, namely HIV, PreP, woman. In conclusion, PrEP is a highly effective HIV prevention tool for women when used consistently and as directed. Adherence, along with addressing behavioral, biological, and social factors, plays a crucial role in its effectiveness. Adherence to PrEP among women is influenced by a combination of factors related to healthcare access, support systems, individual perceptions, and daily routines. By addressing these factors and providing comprehensive support, healthcare providers can help maximize the effectiveness of PrEP in preventing HIV infection among women at risk. While HIV PrEP is highly effective when used correctly, the risk of drug resistance underscores the importance of regular monitoring, adherence support, and comprehensive counseling to maximize its effectiveness in HIV prevention efforts.</p> Luh Gede Pradnyawati Ady Wirawan Pande Putu Januraga Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-08 2025-02-08 12 6 1986 1997 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1832 Validity and reliability of the Indonesian knowledge, attitude, and practice of allergic rhinitis questionnaire <p>Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a typical chronic condition commonly affecting the upper airway. Allergic rhinitis is marked by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, pruritus, sneezing, and postnasal drip syndrome (PND), which includes eye itching and erythema. This study aims to assess the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of the allergic rhinitis questionnaire. The study employed a cross-sectional design. The study included patients with allergic rhinitis who were 18 or older and visited the otorhinolaryngology clinic between January and February 2024. The questionnaire was generated and disseminated using a Google form, and the statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 22.0. The correlation coefficient (r) between all questions on the knowledge dimension was consistently high, ranging from 0.302 to 0.828. The items on the attitude dimension had a strong positive association with the total score, as seen by the high correlation coefficients (all r = 0.962). The practice dimension also exhibited high correlation coefficients, ranging from 0.273 to 0.810 in total score. The questionnaire's validity and reliability have been established, confirming that the Indonesian version is recommended for future studies.</p> Rizka Fakhriani Asti Widuri Fadli Robby Amsriza Deoni Daniswara Copyright (c) 2025 Science Midwifery 2025-02-15 2025-02-15 12 6 1998 2005 10.35335/midwifery.v12i6.1837